Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. phil. Reinhard Riedl
Law As Code Committee Research Professor at the Bern University of Applied Sciences
Reinhard Riedl, Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. phil., is a research professor at the Bern University of Applied Sciences and editor of the science blog
He completed his doctorate in mathematics on the interplay between Banach space geometry, function theory and stochastic and analytic potential theory. He then conducted research on questions of computer science, business informatics and legal informatics. Today, he conducts transdisciplinary research on digital transformation with projects in various sectors: healthcare, agriculture, sport, art, tourism, regional development and industry. Riedl is a member of the boards of and as well as the steering committee of TA-Swiss, vice president of, member of the Mobility 4.0 expert group of the Swiss Road Traffic Office and co-founder and board member of AG. He was also President of the Swiss Informatics Society, President of the Society for Contemporary Music Bern, co-founder and Vice President of the Swiss E-Government Symposium and founding advisor of the Swiss Young Academy.