Ing. Mag. Dr. iur. Christof Tschohl
ReMeP Speaker Research Director and Senior Consultant at the Research Institute – Digital Human Rights Centre
Christof Tschohl is scientific director and partner of the Research Institute - Digital Human Rights Center.
He is a technician and lawyer specializing in fundamental and human rights, legal informatics, IT security, data protection and privacy by design. He puts his knowledge from research into practice with selected partners (e.g. Red Cross, Amnesty International, Doctors Without Borders, Federal Computing Center, etc.) as a management consultant.
As a researcher, he has long been a recognized expert in Austrian and international research projects on the technologies of the future and their impact on people. He is a founding member of the civil rights organization “”, founding member and board member of “” (Max Schrems), working group leader in the Austrian Computer Society (OCG), member of the CERT advisory board of the Austrian Federal Chancellery, and member of the expert group on fundamental rights of the Austrian Association of Judges.