Prof. A Min Tjoa
Law As Code Committee Professor and director of the Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems at the Vienna University
Professor A Min Tjoa has been a full professor and director of the Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems at the Vienna University of Technology since 1994. He is the chairman of the Austrian National Competence Center for Security Research (Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies Initiative of the Austrian government). From 1999 to 2003, he was the president of the Austrian Computer Society.
He is vice-chairman of the IFIP Technical Committee for Information Systems and chairman of the IFIP Working Group on Enterprise Information Systems. Member of the Board (Senate) of the Christian Doppler Foundation for the establishment of high-technology transfer labs in Austria. He is also the University of Technology’s Coordinator of the ASEA-UNINET (ASEAN-EU University Network) and Vice-Chairman of the DEXA Association (Database and Expert System Applications).
In 2011 he received the honorary doctoral degree (Dr.h.c.) from the Czech Technical University in Prague and the honorary professor degree of the University of Hue (Vietnam). He is currently member of the Council of Doctoral Studies in Mathematics, Informatics and Telecommunication (Conseil del’ Ecole Doctorate Mathématique, Informatique et Telecommunications de Toulouse) which covers all universities in the Toulouse area.
His current research focus areas are data warehousing, cloud computing, semantic web, security, and non-standard IT-applications. He has published more than 200 peer reviewed articles in journals and conferences.